
Sunday, January 28, 2007

Video Resumes...Wave of the Future or Passing Fad?

There's an interesting post about video resumes on the Your HR Guy Blog. As a former HR Gal and current resume writer and coach, I try to wear both hats when determining what self-marketing tactics will best market my candidates. The video resume may make sense for an actor, news anchor, or motivational speaker, but many of us don't have the stage presence (or professional equipment) to produce a quality video. The more appropriate alternative to a video resume is a web portfolio. The web portfolio is a career management tool that is appropriate for every profession. It is created to support a person's credibility and visibility within a given industry or job function. It is not necessarily connected with a current search campaign, but it is an excellent tool for building networking contacts and making it easier for recruiters and hiring managers to find candidates to fill their open positions. The portfolio contains many of the same elements that a traditional self marketing campaign would such as a profile, overview of accomplishments, career progression, and bio, but it is more personable, visual, and perhaps more memorable than just a resume. The web portfolio is not meant to replace the resume, but rather to complement it. Video resumes may make sense for some. But for others, a web portfolio might be what makes the difference between a good and a great career marketing campaign.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Job Seeker Advice...Coming Soon to an iPod Near You!

According to a recent article in HR Magazine, podcasts will be an effective job search tool in the near future, especially for tech-centric first-time job seekers. Podcasts are online audio presentations that can be downloaded from the Internet and played from an iPod or other MP3 player. They offer job seekers enormous flexibility over when and how they soure career-relevant information. Check out the podcasts on career options at It's a great way to pass the time and educate yourself while you're waiting for the bus or standing in the line at the supermarket. Enjoy the show!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

2007 Hiring Trends Surveys

According to two recently released hiring trends surveys conducted by CareerBuilder and Manpower, 40% of hiring managers surveyed say their companies will increse their number of full time employees and 40% say they currently have openings which they can't find qualified candidates for. Most job openings are in healthcare, administrative/clerical, sales, accounting/financial operations, customer service, information technology, management, and engineering.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Free E-Book, Insider's Guide to Resume Writing

Through my partnership with Career Hub, a career advice blog, I have contributed to a book on resume writing that is available for free. It's full of great writing tips and strategies from experts in the careers field.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Google is Number One

Fortune magazine just released their 100 Best Companies to Work For list for 2007 and Google is number one. Read why here or check out the list to see who else is in the top 100.

Friday, January 12, 2007

The New Year is usually the time when most people examine their current job status and make a resolution for change in the coming year. An intelligent career marketing strategy should incorporate research on the current trends in industry, demographics, and culture. Take a look at Fast Company's 10 Hot Jobs for 2007. By examining what's hot you may be able to come up with some fresh ideas for taking your current skills and competencies to the next level, filling a talent void, or becoming an expert in the next big craze.