
Thursday, May 31, 2007

Good Things Come to Those That Wait?

Over on the Compensation Force blog, there's an interesting post about internal job posting policies at large companies and their potential impact on employee retention. Companies with strict posting policies that state that employees must be in their current jobs for one or even two years before posting for a new position may inadvertently be sabotaging their retention strategies. The new crop of Gen Y job seekers are ambitious, demanding, question everything, and less loyal to their companies than past generations according to a recent article in Fortune Magazine. Posting policies that were accepted by the Baby Boomer generation may be difficult for the Millenials to swallow. My prediction is that the companies that break away from structured job posting policies will fare better over the next decade and be more successful at retaining key contributors and building increased loyalty towards the organization.

During your job search, it's important to find out as much information as you can about a company's culture. If upward mobility is an important priority for you in your next job, try to learn about the job posting policies in your target companies so you can achieve your career goals at a rate that is appropriate for you.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Accelerate Your Network During the Slow Summer Months

When I counsel clients on their job search during the summer months, they often tell me that they plan to put their search on hold because they think that everyone is out of town and no one is hiring during this season.

Actually, the summer months can be the best time to step up your search campaign because so many applicants believe this misperception of the market. Consider the following:

Fewer people in town could mean more opportunity.

Savvy job seekers know that the more visible they are, the greater the chances of meeting the person that can connect them with a viable job opportunity. This concept may be even more important when you are searching during the summer months. Some job seekers make the mistake of taking a break from their search during the summer months because they assume that no one is in the hiring mode. The reality is that summer networking may be more productive. Decision makers’ schedules are not as tight and they may be more generous with their time. By establishing relationships with the key players now, you are more likely to be remembered when the hiring picks up.

People do more entertaining during the summer months.

Memorial Day weekend is synonymous with firing up the grill, taking the tarp off the pool, and planning informal gatherings. These venues are excellent opportunities to reconnect with old friends and hook up with new contacts. There is always a chance to share information about what you do at these events.

Networking options increase in the warm summer months.

With the warm weather comes the opportunity to network in places that you can’t network in the colder months. One such place is the golf course. Golf continues to be one of the most effective places for referrals and new business. If you have children, consider spending time with them in the playground. Parks are filled with people who have connections to others. Parents tend to gravitate to certain playgrounds on a regular basis so you have a chance to establish and grow the relationship over several visits. Bring along toys that encourage cooperative play including balls, Frisbees, and jump ropes and you’ll have an audience of eager kids and adults in no time.

Family obligations may be reduced during summer.

If you have older children, your family obligations might be reduced during the summer months. Children typically aren’t juggling as many activities and their time away from you may be extended if they are in a day or sleep away camp program. This could be the perfect time to participate in some early morning or after hours meetings and activities that are difficult to commit to during the school year.

Establishing relationships in the summer time is an excellent way to make inroads with decision makers who may be hiring in the fall. Hiring managers may be more accessible, more relaxed, and just in a better frame of mind during the summer months.


Friday, May 18, 2007

To Niche or Not to Niche

Over on the Itzbig Blog there's a post about the value of niche job boards. The post references a recent Career Journal article that reports recruiters find that the niche boards offer better quality candidates.

I've been thinking about this from the job seeker's perspective. The success rates around landing a job sourced off the big boards are abysmal, partly because hiring authorities are overwhelmed with candidates and partly because the candidate pool on these boards is so diverse that hiring authorities have a hard time finding suitable candidates.

Niche boards offer the possibility of beating the odds when it comes to being found by a hiring authority on-line. It's easier to be a big fish in a small pond. Here are a few niche boards that I like:

Human Resources
Recent Grad

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Monday, May 07, 2007

Sizzling Job Opportunities Across the U.S.

This month's issue of Business 2.0 profiles America's best jobs in the hottest markets.
Among the top cities for job opportunities are Orlando, Las Vegas, and Phoenix. Top jobs include software developers, financial analysts, and IT project managers.

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